又回到最 古老民主傳統,也就是濕兒再度被姊給「唐鳳三天」,說是因為觸犯臉書的「仇恨言論」,也說只有我可以看得到。一樣,濕兒把它貼出來,看看到底什麼內容違反姊的善良傳統!
這個新聞,全球封鎖。且越是民主國家,封鎖越徹底,佩服!注意,已經發生 4 天囉!
Anti-lockdown protesters march on London in day of demonstrations
London saw a wave of protests on Saturday, marking the start of a weekend of demonstrations across the capital. The Metropolitan Police have called it “ a busy weekend ” of protests, with thousands of people hitting the streets to vocalise their opposition on a range of issues, ranging from inequality, Covid-19 restrictions and the framing of the climate crisis.
濕評:是這樣的,倫敦人民在被封了一年後,看透了。因為不管接受多少的疫苗施打、戴幾層的口罩,最後老大哥都會說,有了 Delta 變 種,所以繼續關!!!
台灣人的奴性比較強,人民還會互相當彼此的抓爬仔, keep each other in check , make sure 大家口罩都有戴正確!然後繼續關下去。
總之,未來三天,就會在噗浪、 YT 貼文與部落格中,繼續談我的想法,不要放棄喔!
剩餘等下直播聊: https://youtu.be/rLCFOeciIYc